【前沿讲座】Behavioral Capital Markets Research in Accounting
2019年12月10日 信息来源:原婷 浏览次数:356
  • 讲座人:
  • 讲座时间: 12月14日 10:10--12:00
  • 讲座地点:思东821
  • 预约人数:


Professor Teoh's work on earnings management has been praised by scholars in accounting and finance for the important finding that the market seems not to efficiently impound management's actions into security prices.

She has served on the faculty at UCLA, University of Michigan, and The Ohio State University. She has published widely in leading journals in accounting, finance, and economics. They include The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting Research, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, and the Rand Journal of Economics.

She also recently was awarded the Moskowitz Prize for best paper on socially responsible investing from the Social Investment Forum.


The importance of understanding human behavior belies the study of accounting capital markets research.  I will discuss my research in the behavioral capital markets area on the following topics: auditing, disclosure, contagion and networks, earnings management, accounting-based equity market anomalies, the influence of behavioral biases on investor, manager, and analyst decisions, and limited attention effects of earnings announcements.



