【前沿讲座】Two Field Experiments: Improving Worker Productivity Through Tailored Performance Feedback: Field Experimental Evidence from Bus Drivers & Promises undone— How committed pledges impact donations to charity
2019年11月12日 信息来源:原婷 浏览次数:872
  • 讲座人:
  • 讲座时间: 11月18日 09:00--11:00
  • 讲座地点:思东306
  • 预约人数:


1.In a large-scale field experiment with 409 bus drivers and over 500,000 trip-level observations, they test the potential of two forms of individual feedback on improving worker productivity: in-person coaching and written peer-comparison feedback.

2.This study first present theory showing that higher reneging cost leads image-motivated individuals to promise less but to donate more. They then report on a door-to-door fund-raising field experiment confirming that a) many individuals fail to follow through, and that b) donors who pledge are more likely to follow through.


 Adriaan is professor of Microeconomics at the University of Groningen and chairs the signature area on Markets & Sustainability. His research focuses on empirical and (field) experimental research in behavioral economics, pro-social behavior and industrial economics. He has published on peer effects in consumption and charitable giving, behavioural biases in gift-certificate spending and the effects of policy changes on market power in the leading economics journals, including the American Economic Review, AEJ: Economic Policy, RAND Journal of Economics and the Journal of Public Economics. 



