【前沿讲座】My experience as EIC of OMEGA 和 How to get Published
2019年03月20日 信息来源:原婷 浏览次数:4829
  • 讲座人:
  • 讲座时间: 03月21日 16:00--18:10
  • 讲座地点:SD308
  • 预约人数:

【讲座一】My experience as EIC of OMEGA

时间:2019年3月21日(周四)  下午16:00-17:00

报告题目:My experience as EIC of OMEGA


Editor-in-Chief of OMEGA,INFORMS Fellow, Former Vice President of Meetings for (TIMS) and (INFORMS),Trustee Professor at Drexel University


In this presentation, we will take you behind the scenes and demystify the process by looking at submissions from the Editor-in-Chief’s point of view. Over the last 17 years we have processed 10,000 manuscripts and only 15% were accepted. What are the characteristics of those select successful ones? Do they have anything in common? We will discuss the evolution of OMEGA over the last 17 years, trends in submissions, acceptance rate and Impact Factor, Editorial Advisory Board structure, responsibilities and manuscript flaw. As an EIC I am looking at title, abstract, key words, paper, examples, conclusions, references, appendices, cover letter and similarity index. Finally, we will discuss revised papers. At the end of the presentation the audience will have a better understanding of the review process and how to succeed in submission papers.

【讲座二】How to get Published

时间:2019年3月21日(周四)  下午17:10-18:10
报告题目:How to get Published
报告人简介:SManagement of the 20 journal portfolio,  Decision Sciences and Operations Research, on titles such as OMEGA (OME), European Journal of Operations Research (EJOR), Technical Forecasting and Social Change (TFS) and International Journal of Forecasting. 


Tips for publish your paper in top journals



