Proposals from Prof. Dong MU, senior professor of SEM


Project cooperation: apply for international cooperation projects actively and agree to apply for topics of the project by both sides, drawing up as follows:


(1)Cooperative game research on the basis of chain of carbon emissions


Compare government regulation of carbon on individual enterprises with carbon regulation in view of the supply chain implementation and analyze cooperative game process of two-way supply chain carbon emissions.


(2) Logistics resources operation research on based on linkage across the harbor


Research the problem about making full use of inland logistics resources by cooperation between seaports.


Train PH.D. students jointly.


Send PH.D.students to take a refresher course in the cooperating country.


PH.D.students are hoped to take participate in each other's research projects and then write academic papers or dissertations.


We should have a cooperation between the course about International Logistics and the postgraduate’s course International Logistics operation .The content of cooperation is that:


Share the teaching program with each other, make the lesson at the same time and share the bank of homework and the bank of test with each other.


Exchange the teacher to teach in the other country; send the students to have a workplace learning course in the base of international logistics.


Hold bilateral global supply chain design competition .


Share the topic selection of thesis of graduation with each other and guide the students graduation thesis in common.