The twenty-ninth Case Teaching Salon was held successfully.


On the afternoon of May 23, 2017, the twenty-ninth case salon was held at the ninth floor of Siyuan East Building. The case center invited Professor ZHANG Ying from the Rotterdam School of Management at Erasmus University of Rotterdam, the Netherlands to give a seminar on how to write a teaching case and how the case could be selected to the Harvard Cases.

Professor ZHANG Ying is a professor of innovation and entrepreneurship at the Rotterdam School of Management at Erasmus University of Rotterdam, the Netherlands. She is also a visiting professor at Harvard University. With many years’ experience of case writing and teaching. She has published several cases at Harvard and Yiwei Cases.

Professor ZHANG Ying talked about case writing objective firstly, then from the perspectives such as logical thinking of case study, writing methods of teaching case, and case improvement process, she gave the analysis taking two cases for example — Ant Financial and China Intime Group case developed by herself. She also showed the difficulties she met during her case development. For example, a case she kept tracking for more than one year came to nothing because it’s unable to get business authorization. Professor ZHANG Ying advocated in the course of the case teaching, the teachers should make the students understand the case in advance, then discuss the case directly in the teaching process, which can help burst new ideas during discussion and improve the case. Finally, Professor ZHANG Ying elaborated once again that writing cases should focus on social values, curiosity in the writing process, and a wide range of knowledge in order to understand the business to write a good case.

At end part of seminar, Professor GU Yuanxun, ZHANG Lili and all other participating teachers exchanged ideas with Professor ZHANG Ying based on their own teaching cases.

The salon was chaired by Associate Dean of School of Economics and Management, Professor CUI Yongmei.



张颖教授是荷兰伊拉斯姆斯大学鹿特丹管理学院创新与创业领域的教授,同时也是哈佛大学客座教授,在哈佛商学院和毅伟商学院案例库发表了多篇案例, 有多年案例撰写和教学经验。


